| 品牌:德耐尔 | | 型号:DAC | | 加工定制:否 | |
| 压缩介质:空气 | | | | | |
专 业的服务团队,24小时不间断服务响应。完备的备件库存,包括部分电机、铸件、进气缸、叶轮、轴承、气封,油封等关键零部件,以及常规空滤芯、油滤、油雾分离芯、电机润滑脂、润滑油、保养配件等。依托从上海到全球的有序物流体系,确保国内外各分公司、办事处、经销代理商及客户能及时有效得到备件供应,并提供
专 业全面的售后服务。
Denair has a global service network and a professional service team with 24-hour continuous response, There are complete spare parts inventory, including some motors, castings, intake cylin ders, impellers, bearings, air seals, oil seals and other keycomponents, as well as conventional air filters,oilfilters, oil mist separation cores, motor grease, lubricants, maintenance accessories, etc. Relying on the sequential logistics system from Shanghai to the world, we ensure that domestic and foreign branches, offices, distribution agents and customers can obtainspare parts supply in a timely and effective manner, and be provided professional and comprehensive after-sales serice.